Loker Terbaru RS Siloam Hospitals – Siloam Hospitals Group (Siloam) is Indonesia’s most progressive and innovative healthcare provider that has set the benchmark for high quality healthcare services in Indonesia. Siloam’s medical team of 400 general practitioners, 1,500 specialised doctors, 7,200 nurses, allied health, technicians, and support staff, offers contemporary healthcare to nearly two million patients annually.
With equal access to medical care in Indonesia still a challenge, Siloam’s business strategy allows its hospital to operate on a lower cost based on economic of scale. Hence, Siloam is able to increase affordability from all socio-economic backgrounds and provide access to quality and affordable healthcare all over Indonesia. The company’s vision of International quality, reach, scale, and godly compassion establishes the platform for Siloam to respond to the dynamic social transformation in Indonesia.
Siloam Hospitals memberikan kesempatan berkarir untuk Putra/Putri bangsa yang mempunyai skill dibidang Kesehatan dan lain-lain. Rumah Sakit yang bertaraf International ini dibutuhkan tenaga ahli yang berkualitas dari semua jurusan untuk menempati posisi-posisi medis dan non medis di rumah sakit kami.
Posisi yang dibutuhkan:
- Radiografer
- Perawat
- Laboratory Analyst
- Apoteker/ S1 Farmasi/ Kimia/ Biologi
- Ambulance Driver
- Kesehatan Masyarakat
- Kebidanan
- Ahli Gizi
- Dokter (Semua Jurusan)
- HRD Staff/Staff Personalia
- Finance & Accounting (Manager, Supervisor and Staff)
- Corporate Accountant
- Secretary to Director
- Customer Service
- Purchasing
- Project Architect / Project Manager
- Engineering – Site, Civil, ME, Architect
- Blood Bank
- Speech Therapy
- Laboratory Analyst
- Occupational Therapy
- Radiologist
- Quantity Surveyor ( QS Civil Architect & QS MEP )
- Structural Engineering
- Refractionist
- Pharmacy Assistant
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Nurse
- Sales Marketing Officer
- Physician Relation Officer
- Call Center Nurse
- Electric Power Engineering
- Corporate & Sales Executive
- Psysiotherapy
- Biomedical Engineering Architect
- Marketing & Communication Executive
Persyaratan Umum:
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Pria / Wanita
- Lulusan SMA-SEDERAJAT / D3 / S1 / S2
- Sehat Jasmani Rohani
- Bisa bekerja dengan TIM/KELOMPOK
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Seluruh wilayah Nusantara
Persyaratan Berkas / Dokumen :
- Surat Lamaran
- Daftar Riwayat Hidup (CV)
- Kartu Identitas (KTP/SIM)
- Foto Ukuran 4×6 (Berwarna)
- Email & No. Telp/Hp
Silahkan kirim Lamaran dan data Lengkap Anda ke Email: Siloamhospital.rekrutmen@yahoo.com atau kirim ke link rekrutmen.
Pendaftaran paling lambat Minggu, 18 Desember 2016